OIA-2024-5039 Medals
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5036 about foreign medals awarded to the former Chief of Defence Force.
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Ngā mihi nui
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5036 about foreign medals awarded to the former Chief of Defence Force.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5051 about standing orders.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5060 about VIP transport cost.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5023 about Hercules C130H flight movement.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-4988.1 about staff reduction and redundancy.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5071 about Hercules disposal.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5080 about Long Service Award delegations of authority.
Our Navy's presence at the world's largest maritime exercise in Hawaii kicks off our Navy Today coverage for August, with HMNZS Aotearoa and our divers from HMNZS Matataua representing for New Zealand. HMNZS Manawanui concludes Pacific adventures, and we meet the new Commanders of HMNZS Taupo and HMNZS Wakefield. We profile five of our talented sailors and their careers, meet one of New Zealand's oldest Navy veterans at 104 and get a first look at the new design for the Navy officer's sword.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5087 about Remuneration Market Assessments.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5090 about NZDF Chaplaincy.