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Ngā mihi nui
Results 461–470 of 620
Measures for NZDF workplace activity during COVID health threat
Defence Health Directive 20/007 provides direction on force protection measures compulsory for all NZDF personnel, an assessment of workplace re-entry for border workers, and required safety measures for each Government Alert Level.
2020 Briefing to Incoming Minister for Veterans (BIM 2020)
2020 Briefing to Incoming Minister for Veterans Hon Meka Whaitiri.
Documents concerning NZDF support to AoG COVID-19 response
Collation of orders, directives and plans relating to NZDF's support to the All-of-Government COVID-19 response.
Defence Estate Regeneration Ohakea Infrastructure Programme – Minute of Decision
Cabinet Government Administration and Expenditure Review Committee document GOV-20-MIN-0011.
Veterans' Support Amendment (Abatement) Regulations 2020 – Minute of Decision
Way of the New Zealand Warrior details the ethos and values of the New Zealand Army and expected behaviours of its soldiers, and includes real-life accounts of displays of these principles in action.
Petition 2014/51 of Gary William Roberts (Minute of Decision)
Defence Estate Regeneration Portfolio Business Case
Annex C to the Defence Estate Work Programme Paper - business case for the Defence Estate Regeneration.
HADR - Domestic and Offshore Aide Memoire - 2nd Edition
The Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Aide Memoire, was compiled following NZDF responses to three significant domestic disaster events. The booklet captured best practices at the time through lessons learned emerging from the events.
Women in the NZDF – Report to 30 June 2019
The Women in the NZDF Report is an annual report providing transparency around the participation of women in the NZDF. The report includes NZDF’s gender-related strategic initiatives and highlights successes.