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NZDF delivers generators to Niue

A Royal New Zealand Air Force C-130 Hercules aircraft has delivered two power generators to Niue, after a breakdown of the island nation’s main power generator.

14 August, 2023

The Government of Niue made a request to the New Zealand Government for replacement generators, and because the generators are so large, the first was delivered on 7 August, with the second arriving today.

Niue’s power network services a population of around 1900 people, and the arrival of two generators will secure the supply of power.

Niue generator 1
Niue generator 2
Niue generator 3.jpg

Commander Joint Forces New Zealand Rear Admiral James Gilmour said that once the request came in, Defence Force personnel worked quickly to coordinate delivery of the replacement generators.

“We’re pleased to be able to work with our friends in Niue, so they can get the power supply there back up to full capacity as soon as possible.”