Royal New Zealand Air Force aircraft involved in safe return of New Zealanders
Repatriation flights for stranded Kiwis in New Caledonia.
23 May, 2024
New Zealand Defence Force personnel and Royal New Zealand Air Force C-130H Hercules and Boeing B757 aircraft have been assisting with the safe return of New Zealanders and approved foreign nationals from New Caledonia, following violent protests there last week.

On Tuesday, the first 48 passengers returned to New Zealand on our Hercules aircraft following approval by French authorities for repatriation flights.
In the early hours of this morning, a further 50 passengers were repatriated back to Auckland on our Boeing 757. These passengers had travelled from Noumea to Brisbane on a French-operated flight, before boarding the RNZAF Boeing bound for Auckland.
Planning is continuing for further assisted departure flights and logistical arrangements continue to be worked through by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and NZDF staff.