2024 Year in Review: Army
Training for combat and new technology on the battlefield were in sharp focus for 2024. But there was plenty of scope for the humanitarian capabilities of the NZ Army in supporting events and responding to disaster.
20 December, 2024
NZ Army trains Ukrainian troops
As of June 2024 the New Zealand Defence Force has trained more than 3,100 Armed Forces of Ukraine soldiers.
The training delivered by NZDF personnel has prepared soldiers for the realities of war, and taught the necessary skills to support Ukraine’s self defence, says Operation Tieke Senior National Officer Major Matt Blake.
“New Zealand personnel have left no stone unturned and enhanced all facets of the training delivery to ensure the soldiers are as best prepared as possible.
“There is no doubt the training has saved lives.”

Exercise Black Sabre
The South Island’s largest training exercise in seven years, Exercise Black Sabre, focused on live field firing from section to company level to achieve collective training tasks. The exercise included an evaluation of the Network Enabled Army Mobile Tactical Command System equipment, making this the first live field firing exercise to use this equipment to track soldiers undertaking training.
It meant that Commanders of all levels were able to track friendly forces with ‘blue dots’, greatly enhancing decision-making, battle tracking and safety for the entire exercise.

Road to War – Exercise Hill 60
Queen Alexander’s Mounted Rifles’ first armoured troop-level fire and manoeuvre exercise in five years involved 24 hours of battle-handing exercises, including live fire, in the Waiouru Military Training Area.
Using NZ Light Armoured Vehicles with their 25mm main gun, as well as 7.62mm coaxial armaments, troops conducted an assault onto the enemy, destroying targets position by position.
“The feeling of charging down an assault, while having the crack of 25mm tracer flying overhead from fire support and having our own turret firing, is something I will never forget.” – LCPL Kane McKenzie.
The exercise sets the tone for Exercise Talisman Sabre 25 in Australia next year.
Under new leadership
Major General Rose King, who took over as Chief of Army on 29 August, is the first wāhine in the NZDF to lead Ngāti Tūmatauenga the New Zealand Army.
She said her appointment was “a huge honour and a privilege” and noted the significant change across the organisation since she signed up in 1991.
“When I first joined, I couldn’t join certain areas of our organisation based on my gender, but now these opportunities are open to everyone.”
Change of Colours
In a rare and historic event the consecration and presentation of the first Colours to be presented to a battalion of the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) during the reign of King Charles III took place at Burnham Military Camp in late October.
The new Colours (ceremonial flags) were presented to 2nd/1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment’s (2/1 RNZIR).
In his message to the Battalion, His Majesty The King said that while he was unable to be at the parade in person it gave him a great sense of pride that 2/1 RNZIR have received the Colours in his name.

Skill at Arms
A team of Queen Alexandra’s Mounted Rifles won the coveted 1st (NZ) Brigade Skill at Arms competition at Waiouru Military Training Area.
Over 42 hours, teams of 10 soldiers walked close to 40 kilometres between stands carrying around 35 kg on their backs. At each of the 13 stands they were tested on core military skills, including close armed combat, night shooting, and coordinating an artillery and air response while under attack.

Rebuilding in Tonga
Exercise Tropic Twilight was held in Tonga for a second year in a row, in support of the relief effort following the 2022 Hunga Tonga – Hunga Ha’apei volcanic eruption.
Over five weeks, the 74-strong multi-national contingent, led by the New Zealand Army, undertook projects focused on creating accessible and secure places for people to gather in natural disasters, with durable infrastructure to provide power and clean water.
A New Zealand Defence Force dental team saw almost 200 patients, undertaking oral hygiene, fillings, root canals and extractions.

No one goes hungry
From the Māori King’s tangi, Port Hills fire, the funeral service for 28 Maori Battalion veteran Ta Bom Gillies and Waitangi Day in the Bay of Islands, NZ Army personnel have been there with field kitchens to support attendees, mourners and emergency services.
Twenty-eight Army personnel worked long days in three field kitchens at the tangihanga of the Māori King, Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII at Tūrangawaewae, including one day where they cooked 9,000 meals.
Personnel from 3CSSB in Burnham were tasked with feeding the masses of workers and volunteers battling fires in the Port Hills in February, while 12 emergency responders from Burnham joined the response.
Throughout Waitangi commemorations an Army Field Kitchen fed the workers and volunteers for four days, culminating in the preparation of hangi food for Waitangi Day itself.
In November, with the passing of the last member of 28 Maori Battalion Ta Bom Gillies, twenty personnel from 2CSSB helped prepare more than 1,500 meals in partnership with staff at Rotorua’s Te Papaiouru marae, feeding the significant number of guests who’d travelled from around the country to pay their respects.

Remembering Cassino
A New Zealand Defence Force contingent, led by Major Alex Bowyer, 2nd/1st Battalion, travelled to Italy to participate in commemorations marking 80 years since the Battles of Cassino.
In February and March 1944, fighting to capture Cassino cost the 2nd NZ Division 1,481 casualties, with 343 losing their lives.
“In 40 years’ time when I’m in retirement, I’ll have to stop and reflect. It certainly will be one of my top career highlights,” said MAJ Bowyer.