2024 Year in Review: Air Force
The training, exercising, and operational tempo has been as high as ever for the Air Force this year, covering a wide range of domestic and international activities, from Antarctica to the Pacific, to Asia and beyond.
20 December, 2024
Mission to the Solomons
A New Zealand Defence Force contingent of more than 200 personnel provided logistical support to Solomon Islands, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, as the country geared up for its general election. Our NH90s were used to assist the Solomon Islands’ Electoral Commission to transport polling boxes and election officials to various locations - including remote areas - to ensure that those who want to vote had the opportunity to do so.

Poseidon monitors North Korea sanctions
The New Zealand Defence Force deployed a maritime patrol aircraft and specialist personnel to detect and deter evasions of United Nations Security Council resolutions imposing sanctions against North Korea.
The maritime surveillance and reconnaissance patrol flew over international waters looking for violations of the sanctions resolutions, including illicit ship-to-ship transfers of banned goods such as oil and coal.

Flying on Silver Wings
The Coromandel skies were the stunning backdrop to a New Zealand Defence Force exercise involving a number of Royal New Zealand Air Force capabilities. It was the type of flying aircrew said they loved to take part in.
Exercise Silver Wing is an annual assurance training exercise to test and assure the very high readiness operational capabilities of the NZ Army to respond to regional or global events.
This year the exercise was focussed on a fictional reconnaissance mission, set in an island and jungle environment.
Waikawau Bay was used as the exercise area as it provided environmental conditions and terrain similar to that experienced in many locations in the Indo-Pacific.

Aid to PNG
A C-130H Hercules and personnel deployed twice to Papua New Guinea to help with the distribution of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief supplies.
In March Papua New Guinea experienced a significant earthquake in East Sepik and also suffered from flooding there and in surrounding provinces.
The Government of Papua New Guinea asked for New Zealand’s help in transporting approximately 30 tonnes of aid from Port Moresby to affected communities in outlying areas.
The aircraft also flew to Papua New Guinea carrying relief supplies for communities affected by a landslide that occurred in Enga province in late May. Relief supplies taken to the devastated area included tools, shelter and hygiene products from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
The support package, estimated at around $1.5 million, included the flight with relief supplies; sending New Zealand technical expertise to assist in the areas of geo-hazards and emergency management; and financial assistance to provide humanitarian relief to affected areas.

Race to safety
In mid-May violent protests, leading to eight deaths, rocked New Caledonia and forced a state of emergency. Commercial flights to the popular destination were cancelled and hundreds of New Zealanders were left stranded on the French territory, prompting the New Zealand Government to direct Air Force aircraft to bring them home.
Over the period of a week, an Air Force C-130H Hercules and its crew flew more than 300 passengers from the South Pacific French territory to New Zealand on seven flights. The crews also repatriated people who live in New Caledonia from Auckland to back home.

Rescue on the ice
A C-130H Hercules crew carried out a rare medical evacuation of a patient from Antarctica, taking advantage of a narrowing gap in the weather to fly the winter night-time operation in the most challenging flying conditions outside a combat mission.
The Hercules crew flew into Phoenix Airfield using night vision goggles.
The aircraft was “hot-fuelled” on the ice, where the engines are kept running to protect them in the extreme cold. The temperature in Antarctica was 33°C with the wind chill bringing temperatures down to -40°C.

Combat flying training
Relocating a 105mm Howitzer “light gun” from one area of battle to another was just one of the many logistical tasks carried out by NH90 crews at exercises held at Waiouru Military Training Area. They also had to fly in combat-style conditions.
No. 3 Squadron provided NH90 helicopters in support of three exercises - Brimstone 2 Active Edge 2, and Vengeance – that saw the aircrews flying in challenging conditions.
“Being a battlefield support helicopter, the NZ Army is our traditional customer, so these exercises where we are able to work closely during the planning and execution phases with junior officers is good with forming working relationships for when these jobs are required,” Flight Lieutenant George Bellamy said.

Interoperability on show at massive Australian exercise
From state-of-the-art fighter jets neutralising would-be enemies to collective problemsolving about simulated aerial threats, Exercise Pitch Black in Australia involved a large Royal New Zealand Air Force contingent involved.
The NZDF contributed a significant supporting role to the exercise across aircraft refuelling, space, security forces and military working dogs, military police, logistics and intelligence personnel, medics, chefs, ground support equipment technicians, an air load team, firefighters, public affairs, and personnel based in air operations headquarters.

Submarine hunting
Hawaii played host to the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise, one of the largest maritime exercises in the world. A No. 5 Squadron P-8A Poseidon and its crew joined the international event.
It was the first RIMPAC the Poseidon had taken part in since joining the Air Force fleet. The biennial multi-national combined exercise, hosted by the United States Navy, focused on all aspects of maritime-based warfare disciplines.
It involved nearly 30 nations, 40 surface ships, three submarines, 150 aircraft and 25,000 personnel.

Caught out in the worst
A man running the length of New Zealand, twice, for charity, and his pacer, were in need of help themselves when they were caught in freezing conditions on an exposed ridge in the Tararua Ranges. The conditions were not suitable for civilian helicopters to collect the runners, but an NH90 helicopter was up for the task.
Stefan Ozich started a mission to raise $1 million for men’s mental health charity Last Chance Project, by running from Cape Reinga to the Bluff and back again – covering more than 6000km.